I am becoming increasing concerned that young people
are not taking an interest in who runs the country. After all it is their
country. People of all ages should be involved in the process of electing the politicians
who make the decisions that affect their lives. However more and more I get the
sense that this generation don’t care. There seems to be a feeling of apathy, perhaps
due to current economical failures blamed on the last government. I do fear
that the apathy towards politics may be due to lack of education on the matter.
Even though no governments are perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I
believe that different parties will help different people. Therefore you should
be provided with that information impartially, so from an early age you can
make a decision on who you want to run the country.
I believe you should at least have the basic facts.
I can’t guarantee I am fully impartial, but I’m certainly not being dishonest
or misleading. This is just my opinion.
In England there are two main political parties,
with differing ideologies, right wing and left wing politics. We currently have
a right wing government, the Conservative Party. This party believe in
individualism. This means in basic terms that every citizen should provide for themselves
without any government assistants. This would mean, no National Health Service,
no free education, no state pension, no council housing, and no benefits. They believe
that we should all pay in to private insurances and fend for ourselves. Taxation
is also a system they would change with everyone paying one flat rate of tax.

However, there is another choice...
The other major political party in England is the
Labour Party. They have left wing socialistic political views. Their ideology
is collectivism. This is a system that collects money from all tax payers and
provides health care, education, pensions, affordable housing and benefits for
the unemployed, families and disabled. The tax that is collected increases in
bands meaning the poorest in society pay the least and the wealthiest pay the
most. This is the current system we have in place in Britain.
This system surely will be the most positive for
most people. Its work for sixty years, probably best not to change back to Victorian
system, only my opinion!
The Conservative party in just two years have raised
university tuition fees to £9000 per year, put in motion the end of the NHS,
and removed benefits millions of families. However on the plus side they have
decided to give millionaires an extra £45,000 a year in tax relief, and let off
big companies like Vodafone, Top Shop, and Boots with not paying their taxes.
Just something for you to consider next time you