For some people blogging is a way of life. It seems that perhaps it
gives an individual a new found relevance in the wonderful world of all things
web. Still to others it could be observed that it offers an opportunity to
be listened to in a world that doesn't always want to listen. For somebody who
has an opinion and want to engage that opinion in to convocation, a blog could
be the answer. To have the platform to share your feelings, ideas and opinions
with people outside your own inner circle of peers can be a rewarding
experience. I certainly believe that many of us blog on the basis of I blog
therefore I am. This can observed when communicating with avid
bloggers, as you can sense their enthusiasm and fulfilment which they
recieve from blogging. I guess you get from blogging what you put in. So
as long as you enjoying it keep doing it. As for me I'm a lazy blogger to put
it politely! I most definitely have an opinion and I love to express it.
However I'm not particularly some who enjoys the spotlight or being the centre
of attention. Having those attributes in your personality can certainly aid a
good blogger but as I stated I do not. So where does this leave me? Well I
suppose I am an occasional blogger. So you will hear from me from time to
time but probably not as often as you'd like (said firmly with tongue in
I will follow this short article up with a couple of tales of summer
activity thus far.
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